Partnering for Prosperity

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Spanning the heart of the UK, the Midlands is the largest regional economy outside London. The Midlands Engine partnership represents 11 million people and 816,000 businesses — an economy worth over £246 billion per year.

Working in partnership with regional firms and public sector bodies, we focus on tackling the things that really matter in our region to drive prosperity for our communities and businesses.

Our members include 18 local authorities and the West Midlands Combined Authority, nine local enterprise partnerships and our region’s 20 world-class universities. We also work with a rapidly growing number of private sector partners, collaborating and investing together to achieve our shared aims for regional success.

Together, we make sure the Midlands voice is heard and act as a positive agent for economic, social and environmental change, to benefit every single part of our region. We do this through shared intent, collaborative investment and presenting a strong, unified voice, direct to government.

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Our TenPoint Plan for Green Growth in the Midlands Engine sets out, with a unified voice, the actions to be taken in partnership which will accelerate our region’s and the UK’s path to net zero. Together, we can drive collective action today to safeguard the environment for future generations.

Exceptional work in low carbon is already underway across our vast Midlands Engine partnership landscape, making the Midlands a leading location for green growth. But the potential for more is phenomenal. Under the plan, the Midlands region will act as a centre for excellence in new technologies and clean fuels, such as hydrogen, as we complement existing partner initiatives and capitalise on the wealth of economic opportunities presented by the shift to low carbon.

wide angle view of the British landscape featuring a lot of fields

The Midlands is the largest regional economy outside London












Members of Parliament

A man using a touch screen device wearing a blue polo shirt
Energy Research Accelerator

Read the latest reports on Green Growth as our region makes its way towards net zero.

A tractor behind a green plant in a field
Green Growth Digital Map

Developed by the Midlands Engine Observatory, this interactive tool brings our region’s green growth assets to life.

A tree overhanging a river surrounded by green grass
Bakewell, Derbyshire
Natural Capital Monitor

The Natural Capital Monitor places a value on our region’s natural assets so that we can better protect them.


Latest news


Green Growth

Feb 3 2025

Blog: How the Midlands can power the UK’s clean energy revolution

Energy security has never been more urgent. In recent years, the UK has seen escalating challenges, from global geopolitical crises to rising energy prices. It is the Midlands, home to innovative industries and a strong manufacturing base, that is playing a major role in tackling these issues with the recent launch of the Midlands Engine Energy Security White Paper.  

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STEP tokamak breeder blankets_Approved Image

Green Growth

Jan 16 2025

Hundreds of millions in funding coming to the East Midlands to unlock clean energy

A record amount of funding is being put into fusion energy, including here in the East Midlands, to drive growth into the energy of the future. The Government has announced a £410 million investment to develop cutting-edge fusion energy, which promises to be a safe, low carbon and sustainable part of the world’s energy supply with potential to help sustain net zero in the future.

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Green Growth

Jan 29 2024

Midlands Engine supports the relaunch of the UK Nuclear Regions Collaboration
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An electric vehicle charging
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