Partnering for Prosperity

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Spanning the heart of the UK, the Midlands is the largest regional economy outside London. The Midlands Engine partnership represents 11 million people and 816,000 businesses — an economy worth over £246 billion per year.

Working in partnership with regional firms and public sector bodies, we focus on tackling the things that really matter in our region to drive prosperity for our communities and businesses.

Our members include 18 local authorities and the West Midlands Combined Authority, nine local enterprise partnerships and our region’s 20 world-class universities. We also work with a rapidly growing number of private sector partners, collaborating and investing together to achieve our shared aims for regional success.

Together, we make sure the Midlands voice is heard and act as a positive agent for economic, social and environmental change, to benefit every single part of our region. We do this through shared intent, collaborative investment and presenting a strong, unified voice, direct to government.

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Recognising the fundamental connection between health and economy.

Midlands Engine partnership has worked closely with industry, academic, health sector and public sector partners to establish Midlands Engine Heath. This collaboration enables us to effectively champion and expand our world-leading capabilities in health, medical technologies and life sciences.

Already areas of exceptional regional strengths, these sectors generate over £26 billion GVA each year, allowing health inequalities to be tackled. Our region’s stable, ethnically diverse population provides a proven test bed for global health and multimorbidity interventions. We also host the UK’s largest Clinical Trials Unit and the UK Centre for Black and Minority Ethnic Health.

wide angle view of the British landscape featuring a lot of fields

The Midlands is the largest regional economy outside London












Members of Parliament

Two male surgeons performing surgery

Read the latest reports, case studies and brochures on one of the most vital sectors of our economy.

Four people in a meeting in an office, sat around a dark brown table
Supporting workplace mental health across the Midlands

The Mental Health and Productivity Pilot collaborates with a range of partners to provide an evidence-informed, cost-effective and sustainable resource that supports mental wellbeing at work, reduces the stigma associated with poor mental health and aims to increase productivity.


Latest news



Nov 19 2024

World-class ‘accelerator’ to speed development of crucial rehabilitation technologies
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Digital learning platform


Nov 12 2024

Digital learning platform for cancer nursing wins prestigious award

An innovative partnership to support cancer care in the East Midlands has been recognised with a prestigious industry award.

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Graphics – investment success stories5


Oct 11 2024

Midlands Investment success stories – Health & Life Sciences

The Midlands has become a leader in the UK’s Health and Life Sciences sector, thanks to its broad leading research universities, wide talent pool, major Clinical Trials Units and rapidly expanding private incubator space. The Midlands boasts the highest number of health-tech companies of any UK region, as well as two major Life Sciences Opportunity Zones out of only six total across the UK, cementing its reputation as a prime location for innovative and growing businesses in the sector.  

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An electric vehicle charging
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