Partnering for Prosperity

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Spanning the heart of the UK, the Midlands is the largest regional economy outside London. The Midlands Engine partnership represents 11 million people and 816,000 businesses — an economy worth over £246 billion per year.

Working in partnership with regional firms and public sector bodies, we focus on tackling the things that really matter in our region to drive prosperity for our communities and businesses.

Our members include 18 local authorities and the West Midlands Combined Authority, nine local enterprise partnerships and our region’s 20 world-class universities. We also work with a rapidly growing number of private sector partners, collaborating and investing together to achieve our shared aims for regional success.

Together, we make sure the Midlands voice is heard and act as a positive agent for economic, social and environmental change, to benefit every single part of our region. We do this through shared intent, collaborative investment and presenting a strong, unified voice, direct to government.

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The Midlands is the leading force of UK manufacturing, powering people and unlocking productivity for growth and prosperity.

Our diverse strengths range from as cars and medicines, to textiles and food, all led by innovative businesses and world-leading research centres.

The sector generates £36 billion GVA into the UK economy each year, with huge potential for more. With a unique concentration of R&D energy infrastructure and wide-ranging manufacturing capabilities, the Midlands is ideally placed to become a national and global centre for net zero technology. Innovation strengths include advanced materials and manufacturing, electronics, photonics, energy and environment technologies.

As new challenges arise such as changing import and export patterns and the growth of digital technologies, our manufacturing sector is innovating and adapting – we are seizing exceptional opportunities for growth.

Recently, the Midlands Engine Observatory has conducted research, in consultation with partners, to better understand the strengths and challenges within the manufacturing sector. The first part of this research covers the range of products already made in our region, and the second explores the potential opportunities for manufacturing.

wide angle view of the British landscape featuring a lot of fields

The Midlands is the largest regional economy outside London












Members of Parliament

People standing in an arrow formation

Who we are

Discover more about pan-regional partnership and how, together, we are powering prosperity for every part of the Midlands.


Latest news



Sep 13 2024

HORIBA MIRA receives King’s Award for Enterprise for Sustainable Development
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turkey 2

Economic Opportunities

Sep 5 2024

Advanced Manufacturing Trade Mission to Turkiye
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Jul 23 2024

Midlands Engine Investment Fund II announces first major equity deal with Nottingham-based True Position Robotics

The British Business Bank has announced the first deal from the Midlands Engine Investment Fund II with a £1 million equity investment in True Position Robotics.

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An electric vehicle charging
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