Executive Board
Next meeting
November 2024
The Midlands Engine partnership gives our region a single, unified voice to speak to government, making a stronger case for greater investment to drive economic growth and boost productivity.
This is made possible thanks to a clear, fair and transparent decision-making framework, with representation on our different Boards from right across our partnership and our region.
The main decision-making body of the Midlands Engine is the Executive Board, which meets four times a year and provides leadership and strategic direction for our partnership. The Executive Board is headed by an independent Chairman and its membership is drawn from universities, local enterprise partnerships and local authorities, along with the Chair of Midlands Connect.
Membership is reviewed every three years or following any significant changes in circumstance for individual members. Agendas and associated papers for the Executive Board are published five days ahead of each meeting, with minutes published after meetings.
Formed by a group of committed parliamentarians, the Midlands Engine APPG plays a key role in promoting investment in the Midlands and supporting levelling up.
This collaboration of our region’s MPs and Peers works together to raise the profile of the Midlands Engine, its projects and priorities in Parliament. The group meets every quarter with additional monthly subgroups on key areas, such as transport, health and digital. In addition to these meetings, our region’s parliamentarians are supporting the Midlands Engine through conversations with government, questions in both Houses of Parliament and speaking in relevant debates to highlight the work of the Partnership.
Next meeting
November 2024