Midlands Connect comment on publication of NIC’s 2nd National Infrastructure Assessment

Date posted: October 18, 2023
Maria Machancoses

Maria Machancoses, Chief Executive of Midlands Connect, said:

“The publication of this report by the National Infrastructure Commission (NIC) is very timely and welcome. We echo calls by the commission for an urgent and comprehensive review of rail priorities for the North and the Midlands following government’s recent decision on High Speed 2 and the introduction of Network North.

“We also welcome proposals for the development of an Integrated strategy for interurban transport and strongly believe this overall strategy should be underpinned by the Strategic Transport Plans being developed by Sub-national Transport bodies across the country including that of Midlands Connect.

“During 2023, Midlands Connect, alongside 13 other Local Authorities and the private sector, secured £39.3m Government support towards the delivery of 17,461 new public EV charging points across the Midlands (by the end of 2025). This is why we recognise NIC proposals for accelerating the delivery of EV charging infrastructure across all parts of the nation.

“Now, we must work with Government to take forward the recommendations set out in this report – addressing the long-standing inequalities across the country, and our collective net zero and climate change commitments. At Midlands Connect we stand ready to address them head on.”


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