Industry leaders shape first steps towards Midlands Engine Hydrogen Technologies Strategy

Date posted: March 16, 2021
hydrogen fuel dispenser

Midlands Engine is home to sector-leading firms and renowned academics in the field of hydrogen. Our region also boasts extensive advanced manufacturing capabilities and a specialised automotive and transport economy.

With climate change pressures and future energy needs demanding that we translate ideas into commercial solutions with real pace, the Midlands is bringing forward its Midlands Engine Hydrogen Technologies Strategy, working with partners from industry, academia and civil society.

Industry leaders including National Grid, Worcester Bosch, Cadent, Intelligent Energy, Rolls-Royce, Uniper, Cenex, Toyota, Severn Trent and Adelan have already pledged their support with many attending the first in a series of engagement events today (16 March).

Together, our partnership will survey the current landscape of the hydrogen sector, our regional opportunities and the wide-ranging specialised capabilities which will allow the Midlands to harness its competitive advantage in this area by removing barriers to growth.

As work progresses so will our conversations, building on the outcomes from today’s meeting via a series of planned sessions. These will represent key steps towards an industry-led Hydrogen Technologies Strategy for the Midlands Engine, building directly on our emerging Green Growth Action Plan due to be published in June.

This strategy will help to shape the Midlands’ involvement in a sector that could be worth as much as £18.2 billion to the UK economy by 2035, bringing with it large numbers of highly skilled jobs as well as domestic energy supply security and increased investment into our region. It will also provide an opportunity for the Midlands to lead in this important area and influence the UK Hydrogen Strategy currently being written by Government.

For the latest on our region, subscribe to Midlands Matters, the official newsletter of the Midlands Engine.

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