Midlands Engine convenes Covid-19 response meeting of regional leaders and Minister of State

Date posted: April 28, 2020
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Today Sir John Peace, Chairman of the Midlands Engine Partnership, convened a virtual meeting of regional leaders and the Minister for Regional Growth and Local Government, Simon Clarke MP, to discuss the region’s shared response to COVID-19.

Over 20 Local Authority leaders, Local Enterprise Partnership Chairs and University Vice-Chancellors from across the Midlands joined Sir John Peace and the Minister in detailed conversation on the short-term challenges faced by the region as well as the longer-term challenge of rebooting the regional economy.

Simon Clarke MP, Minister for Regional Growth and Local Government, commented:

I welcomed the opportunity to engage with the Midlands Engine Partnership during this turbulent time for Midlands businesses.

It was heartening to hear of the resilience displayed by business and Local Authority leaders from across the region in their efforts to counter the current challenges posed by coronavirus and what they are doing to do learn collectively from each other’s experience.

The Government has brought forward an unprecedented package of measures to help businesses and individuals at this difficult time and we will continue to support them going forward.

The meeting follows a series of bilateral conversations on COVID-19 undertaken by Sir John Peace over the last few weeks with regional leaders. Today’s resultant discussion was underpinned by findings from the latest Covid-19 analysis undertaken by the Midlands Engine Economic Observatory, studying business and the economy across the region.

Speaking after the meeting, Chairman of the Midlands Engine, Sir John Peace said:

This was a very constructive meeting where we were able to share the emerging findings and analysis of the Midlands Engine Economic Observatory with our partners and the Minister. The region faces enormous and unpredictable challenges in the wake of COVID-19. The only sure way forward is a joined-up, collective response – based on accurate data – to meet the short-term challenges and make the right decisions for rebooting the Midlands economy. And that’s how the Partnership intends to proceed.


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