Economic Opportunities
Jan 16 2025
Midlands Cyber have been successful in coordinating a UK/US exhibition delegation to Infosecurity Europe 2018, Olympia London June 5-7, 2018.
The exhibition is Europe’s number one information security event, featuring the largest and most comprehensive conference programme with over 400 exhibitors showcasing the most relevant information security solutions and products to over 19,500 information security professionals. Maryland Department of Commerce led a US based delegation to the exhibition and co-located with Midlands Cyber to strengthen the two regions’ Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and showcase the innovative cyber companies from both Maryland and the Midlands.
The Midlands Cyber delegation was represented six Midlands based businesses from across the region; Air IT from Nottingham, Borwell Ltd located in Malvern, Cyber Owl a spin out of Coventry University, Data Solver from Milton Keynes, Ice Blue located in Kidderminster and Manged Enterprise Technologies (M.E.T) who are based in Birmingham. Midland Cyber companies were co-located with the State of Maryland who successfully managed to recruit 12 companies to exhibit at the show.
Midlands Cyber participation at Infosecurity Europe is part of a series of events to promote the region as the leading location for cyber technologies in the UK. This year the Midlands has overtaken London for the first time as the leading location Britain’s private companies with the fastest growing profits. Cyber security is a rapidly expanding sector in the Midlands, boosted by its strengths in advanced manufacturing, automotive, rail and key industrial sectors. As businesses continue to digitise, and their technology infrastructure continues to develop, the need for leading edge cyber services become critical.
Midlands Cyber and the Department of Commerce Maryland also celebrated the first anniversary of the regions MOU midweek, Midlands Cyber were delighted to host the Maryland group on board a dinner cruise on the River Thames. The evening created great opportunity for the two regions to celebrate the success of the past 12 months and to discuss events to develop the transatlantic relationship.
Linda Smith, Director of Enterprise, Worcestershire Local Enterprise Partnership, said:
Our ongoing and growing partnership with Maryland has enabled us to generate a strong links for our businesses whilst attracting international businesses to the Midlands. Exhibiting at Infosecurity Europe this year was a fantastic opportunity to continue building on that foundation, whilst promoting the Midlands as the leading location for Cyber in the UK.”
Gary Woodman, Chief Executive, Worcestershire Local Enterprise Partnership said:
We are very pleased to have led another successful delegation to Infosecurity Europe. These participating companies showcase the talent and the technology that the region has to offer, they are outstanding representatives for Midlands Cyber and the cyber sector”
Economic Opportunities
Jan 16 2025
Green Growth
Feb 3 2025
Energy security has never been more urgent. In recent years, the UK has seen escalating challenges, from global geopolitical crises to rising energy prices. It is the Midlands, home to innovative industries and a strong manufacturing base, that is playing a major role in tackling these issues with the recent launch of the Midlands Engine Energy Security White Paper.
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Feb 4 2025
Since December last year and throughout January, the Midlands Engine Partnership has led a series of Cluster deep dives - exploring the investment potential of some of the biggest clusters in our region - from aerospace to health technology.
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