Midlands Engine region map displaying population across the region


All the latest from across our region


Displaying 85 - 90 of 764


Green Growth

Sep 15 2023

Midlands Engine APPG Co-Chair Lord Ravensdale – Unlock our outdated planning system and put net zero at the heart of decision making

Midlands Engine APPG Co-Chair Lord Ravensdale writes in The House Magazine on proposed amendments to the Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill.

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Green Growth

Sep 13 2023

Green and Hydrogen Jobs Report Outlines Critical Steps for Region’s green economy

A new report from the Midlands Engine - on Green and Hydrogen Jobs in the Midlands -has set out a series of recommendations on improving the prevalence of these types of employment in the region.

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lilian smith

Latest News

Sep 12 2023

Transitioning from academia to industry and growing your career: A masterclass.

Over 100 Early Career Researchers, Industry leaders and experts in enabling career growth gathered at Charnwood Campus for the first Midlands-wide Early Career Researcher Workshop

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Sep 8 2023

Thirteen Midlands Councils collaborate to apply for £39.3m to get more chargers onto our streets

Councils across the Midlands have come together to create two partnerships across the region to successfully submit a bid for the Government’s Local Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (LEVI) Fund in partnership, alongside with Sub-national Transport Body, Midlands Connect.

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East Midlands Hydrogen logo

Economic Opportunities

Sep 6 2023

Former ‘Megawatt Valley’ to metamorphose into hydrogen heartland with the launch of East Midlands Hydrogen – the UK’s largest inland hydrogen cluster

East Midlands Hydrogen is a new industrial partnership capitalising on the economic opportunity arising from the development of large-scale H2 production, distribution and industrial end-use in the East Midlands. East Midlands Hydrogen partners will help attract ongoing investment, bring new skills, and ensure hydrogen industry job growth for the region.

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Economic Opportunities

Sep 5 2023

Midlands Engine publishes Global and Investment Scorecard – August 2023

The Midlands Engine has posted their second annual Global and Investment Scorecard, with success seen across a host of key economic indicators.

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An electric vehicle charging
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