Midlands Engine region map displaying population across the region


All the latest from across our region


Displaying 133 - 138 of 764


Mental Health & Productivity Pilot

Mar 16 2023

Midlands Engine’s Mental Health and Productivity Pilot recognised in new Government White Paper

The Mental Health and Productivity Pilot, a programme delivered through the Midlands Engine, has been praised in the Transforming Support: The Health and Disability White Paper released by the Government on Wednesday 15th March, for its role in reversing unhealthy mental wellbeing stigmas.

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Midlands Engine Map

Green Growth

Mar 16 2023

New report highlights Midlands net zero economy strengths

New research showcases Midlands strengths in the net zero economy with 3 of the UK’s 20 net zero economy hotspots and the sector 1.3x more productive than other regions.

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Innovate UK CEO Indro Mukerjee with the LLEP Innovation Board (Will Johnston)

Latest News

Mar 15 2023

Record attendances across Leicestershire Innovation Festival

Leicestershire Innovation Festival attendances hit new highs as fresh records were set at the fifth annual event.

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Robert Halfon at CEC round table at Loughborough College (Beth Walsh)

Latest News

Mar 15 2023

Minister meets apprentices and employers during National Careers Week visit to college

Government Minister Robert Halfon met with local employers and apprentices during a visit to Loughborough College as part of National Careers Week.

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Latest News

Mar 8 2023

New £5.5m national Institute of Technical Skills and Strategy to support UK’s bid to be a global research and innovation superpower

A new £5.5 million national institute is to be launched to ensure that the UK has the technical capability and capacity across academia, research, education, and innovation to enable the UK to be a global superpower in science, engineering, and the creative industries.

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Screenshot 2023-03-07 at 10.16.27


Mar 7 2023

Unleash the levelling-up potential of universities by attracting foreign investment into UK innovation

A new report was launched today in London by the Higher Education Policy Institute (HEPI) and Midlands Innovation, supported by the National Centre for Universities and Business (NCUB) and Universities UK International (UUKi). The report sets out a blueprint for universities and government to work together in order to unleash the levelling-up potential of the UK’s world-renowned higher education sector to help attract international investment across the country.

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