United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority (UKAEA) & Bassetlaw District Council collaborate on Fusion Energy Café

Date posted: June 13, 2024

The United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority (UKAEA) and Bassetlaw District Council are delighted to announce a new and truly unique collaboration – the Fusion Energy Café.

The not-for-profit Café, housed in The Bridge Skills Hub, Worksop, is being created with funding from Bassetlaw District Council and the Fusion Foundations programme, the Government’s £184 million programme to develop the facilities, infrastructure, and skills to support a thriving fusion sector in the UK. The café will play host to community engagements highlighting the job, business, and wider social opportunities in fusion energy as the West Burton Site – home to the future STEP prototype fusion plant – is developed.

UKAEA Head of Fusion Skills, Nick Walkden, said:

“We are proud to be working with Bassetlaw District Council on this unique and exciting community-focussed initiative in Worksop. The Fusion Energy Café will highlight the opportunities of fusion to local communities, including through the STEP Programme at West Burton, and push forwards our ambition to maximise the social benefits fusion has to offer.”

Bassetlaw District Council Chief Executive, David Armiger said:

“This exciting collaboration will bring the process of fusion energy closer to our communities and help to inspire a generation of young people who could one day, work at the prototype fusion energy plant at West Burton or across wider STEM Industries. (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics)

“The café is just the start of our journey to provide local people with the skills, knowledge and aspirations that could see them contribute to the wider fusion energy sector and provide the UK with near limitless clean energy in the future.”


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