2023 State of the Region report on the Midlands economy launched

Date posted: December 13, 2023
Midlands industries photo collage

The Midlands Engine Observatory’s State of the Region 2023 report – the latest evidence-based reflection of how the region has performed over the past calendar year – is now available.  

Each year since 2019, the Observatory has gathered together a wealth of data to provide a snapshot of how the Midlands is faring and where the key opportunities lie.

This year’s report details a challenging twelve months across the Midlands and the UK.

The report is split into two sections, based on the business plan published by the Midlands Engine earlier this year.

The first half explores how the region fared in terms of our key economic drivers: increasing productivity; innovating across sectors; building infrastructure for growth and increasing investment.

Birmingham skyline

More in-depth stats are presented in a thematic deep-dive section covering the Midlands Engine’s five key themes: Green Growth; Advanced Manufacturing; Food & Agri-tech; Med-tech and Life sciences and New Market Opportunities.

Against the backdrop of economic challenges, the State of the Region report also spotlights the region’s main opportunities for growth across a variety of sectors from food and drink supply chain to hydrogen technologies. The forward-looking conclusion focuses on partnership solutions, restating the Midlands Engine’s commitment to interventions that will drive economic growth in the region for the benefit of all its communities.

For 2023, the State of the Region report is available as an executive summary and a full in-depth analysis via our website. We have also published a fact snapshot where we have taken the key statistics from the report and presented them in a concise way.

Download the Executive Summary

Access in-depth State of the Region data and analysis: State of the Region 2023 (arcgis.com)


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