Young Midlanders champion our region’s green future

Date posted: March 10, 2022

The Midlands Engine Young People’s Green Growth Assembly will be taking place tomorrow (11 March) in Nottingham – unleashing the ambition, innovation and passion of the younger generation in the Midlands to create a greener society where our future generations can prosper.

Building on the momentum of COP26 and constant advocacy on the climate from our young people, the event will be led by our ‘Green Growth Champions’ – a group of motivated 15-19-year-olds dedicated to tacking climate change. The event will be a significant step toward our region’s goal of net zero emissions.

Ahead of the event, the Green Growth Champions have been relating their hopes for the Assembly, as well as detailing their aspirations for the future of our region and planet.

Find out more about the Assembly and register 

When asked about their hopes for the impact of the Assembly, Green Growth Champions Leo Ware and Dan Fisher said:

“We hope that it will accelerate the movement towards sustainability in the Midlands, and we hope it will influence major players in the Midlands’ economy.”

Discussing why the event is so important for the region, Green Growth Champion Lewis Bilby said:

“It is important for the young people to be involved with their future, also taking an active step towards overall sustainability. As young people, it can sometimes be difficult to get our voices heard. Our future relies on decisions made now, and it is a great honour as a young person to be a part of the conversation happening today.”

Asked why it’s so important to take a collaborative approach to solving the climate crisis, Green Growth Champion Rhianna Selby Nash said:

“There is no one solution to the climate crisis so it is imperative to work together to find many solutions. I really hope that this wakes people up. It isn’t enough to just acknowledge that there is an issue – action needs to be taken. Don’t be a fossil fool!”

When asked what it means to live in a region which is leading efforts to decarbonise in the UK, Green Growth Champions Ruby Connell and Jasmine Adams said:

It makes us feel hopeful about the future and happy that our region is helping to set an example for other areas.”

Talking through what it means to be involved in the event, Green Growth Champions Molly Kitching, Iqra Zubair and Safiyah Smitham said:

“It’s great to be able to have an active role and be able to speak and give the perspective of young people. Our voices can be heard and we are actually being listened to.”

Asked what advice they would offer other young Midlanders who are passionate about the climate, Green Growth Champions Molly Kitching and Lewis Bilby said:

“To start with small changes and being conscious of what you buy and bin (recycling). Get involved! Talk, learn, participate and be a part of the conversation.


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