Partnering for Prosperity

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Spanning the heart of the UK, the Midlands is the largest regional economy outside London. The Midlands Engine partnership represents 11 million people and 816,000 businesses — an economy worth over £246 billion per year.

Working in partnership with regional firms and public sector bodies, we focus on tackling the things that really matter in our region to drive prosperity for our communities and businesses.

Our members include 18 local authorities and the West Midlands Combined Authority, nine local enterprise partnerships and our region’s 20 world-class universities. We also work with a rapidly growing number of private sector partners, collaborating and investing together to achieve our shared aims for regional success.

Together, we make sure the Midlands voice is heard and act as a positive agent for economic, social and environmental change, to benefit every single part of our region. We do this through shared intent, collaborative investment and presenting a strong, unified voice, direct to government.

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a building in stoke on trent with people walking around
The Observatory

The Midlands Engine Observatory is an alliance of leading academic researchers and economic and industry experts, working together to deliver the regionally focused research and analysis of our economy that our partners need, for every part of the Midlands.

No need to worry about ‘investing in the Midlands’ as this is covered by Global.

wide angle view of the British landscape featuring a lot of fields

The Midlands is the largest regional economy outside London












Members of Parliament

A man operating a laptop with a data overlay
The latest data from across the Midlands

Access up-to-the-minute pan-regional data, research and expert insights via our Intelligence Hub.

a laptop sat on a desk with data and a graph on screen
The latest data from across the Midlands

Read the latest briefings and reports from our Observatory.


Latest news

Debunking the myths of the green book graphic for event held at University of Birmingham


Sep 19 2024

Debunking the Myths of the ‘Green Book’
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May 9 2024

New Nottinghamshire data and local insight website launched

The Nottinghamshire Observatory offers insight and analysis of the latest local trends to help with research, funding bids and ultimately help attract more investment to the county.

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Sir John Peace, Professor Aleks Subic and Satnam Rana-Grindley Midlands Economic Insights


Dec 14 2023

Midlands Engine partnership reviews 2023 and looks ahead to 2024 in first in-person Quarterly Economic Briefing

On December 13th the Partnership came together to reflect on Midlands Engine Observatory’s fourth annual State of the Region report, a data-driven review of the Midlands’ economic performance in 2023. Over 70 delegates from Midlands Engine Partners gathered at the Exchange in Birmingham for the final Quarterly Economic Briefing of 2023.

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An electric vehicle charging
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